
Why Is Facebook The Best Social Media For Small Businesses Wholesale

You have heard it is a good idea to have your small business active Jewelry & Watch Tools on the popular social media sites. At the same time you really don't know which site you should focus your time on and which is the best for your business. I present to you today the idea that while there are a lot of good choices when it comes to social media, the best outlet for businesses is going to be Facebook. Here are the reasons that I believe this to be true.Did you know that the fastest growing demographic of people joining Facebook is not the teenagers or even the 20 somethings. Instead it is your grandma, your older Aunt, and all their friends. You see the older generation is taking hold of Facebook and using it every single day to connect with their friends and family. These are customers that you can count on having additional income to spend on your products and services. Facebook isn't just for your teenage daughter anymore. It is the largest social network in the world and growing every single day.Facebook's platform is far more interactive than any of the other options out there. Once you friend a person you have access to lots of things about that person that might interest you. You are able to chat with them, post things to a public forum (called "the wall"), read things that they have written ("Notes"), see their photos and videos and many other things. None of the Wholesale Pet Supplies other social media outets gives you so much flexibility to get to know someone. For business this cuts both ways. By looking at someone's Facebook account you can get to know them better as a customer and provide them better products and services customized to their interests. On the other hand they can learn more about your business than would otherwise be possible.There is no doubt that Facebook has brand recognition. No matter where you go you are likely to see the blue "f" icon and everyone knows that that stands for Facebook. It is a phenomenon that is not going to go away anytime soon. Lasers So get your business on board and learn to interact and sell more to your customers through the use of social media. That is the way that business is evolving and growing in the future. In ten years if a business does not have a Facebook page people will scratch their heads and wonder why?

